Which is Better Node.js or PHP?

Node.js vs PHP: Which One Is Better?

NodeJS and PHP are valuable tools that web developers use when they are trying to create content. They each have perks and downfalls, and it is up to individual developers to decide what is most beneficial for their needs.

What is Node.js?

NodeJS is one of the most valuable skills you can have when you are using JavaScript. It is actually not a programming language like PHP is, and it is a runtime used to write JavaScript on a server when JavaScript is traditionally used on a browser. Techniques to speed up your Node.js application can make a huge difference in its effectiveness.

NodeJS is younger than PHP, and it was released in 2009 as an open-source runtime environment that can execute code from JavaScipt beyond the confines of a web browser. It is often used to create an API or application programming interface, which are backend services that operate web or mobile client apps. These are the applications that users will see. This program is used for many things, such as prototyping or creating services.

Pros and Cons of Node.js

There are countless perks to NodeJS. NodeJS can be used to create speedy and scalable apps that require interaction with a lot of data. Many large companies use this runtime because of its speed and scalability, and data from PayPal suggests that NodeJsS can lead to a thirty-five percent increase in response time compared to other programs. It’s also great because of how common JavaScript is. JavaScript is often used in front-end development, and NodeJS allows the uses of JavaScript to grow, so developers can become full-stack developers by using NodeJS, and they can create clean, cohesive work.

NodeJS is not perfect despite its covetable qualities. During CPU-heavy operations, NodeJS may experience a CPU bottleneck. There are also not as many NodeJS developers with more than two or three years of experience. Many JavaScript users who also use NodeJS are less experienced and may not create high-quality work, so finding a NodeJS development company may be more challenging. NodeJS is still relatively young, so it has some immature tools and features that could stand to be improved for better use of NodeJS.

What is PHP?

PHP  was created in 1994 and first appeared a year later in 1995 to improve web development. It stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, and it is a scripting language that is run on the server side. JavaScript, conversely, is an example of a language that runs on the client side. Therefore, PHP runs on a server and not on a local computer. This allows it to use databases to store data so it can complete functions that client-side languages cannot. For example, you can create a contact form using this language. This programming language is highly popular, and of all websites with server-side programming, nearly 79 percent of all websites use PHP.

Pros and Cons of PHP

There are many qualities that make PHP desirable, and these qualities overlap with those of NodeJS, but they also have some distinctions that you will notice. PHP development services are desirable for many businesses and individuals.

PHP is one of the easier languages for developers to learn, which is why it is quite straightforward for those who already know other programming languages. For beginners, it will still be a challenge to learn PHP, but it won’t be impossible. All you need to know to get started with this language is HTML. Web developers often learn JavaScript first because the two languages have some similar traits, but that is not necessary.

To use PHP, a website must be running on a server, which can be another barrier, but installing a local server on one’s computer is easy and doesn’t take long at all. The local server allows web developers to work on projects using PHP before they deploy the website.

PHP is a loose language, which can have both good and bad attributes. What this means is that people can write sloppy code and still have a program that works; however, it can lack form and security, which is why some more advanced developers are not as enthusiastic about this language as some newcomers who are excited to dive into learning this language. However, when it is used properly, it can be a great choice.

Which is Better: PHP or Node.js?

When NodeJS first came out, some people predicted that it would replace PHP; however, both programs remain in use and have applications. Consider the following parameters when you are deciding which one is better. There’s no solid answer, and really, they are distinctive enough that they stand as independently valuable entities.

Web-Driver: One area that PHP shines is that it was created with web uses in mind and has everything it needs to use servers.

Performance: One of the most valuable metrics is performance. Some programs like Facebook’s Hack can make PHP perform faster; however, overall, NodeJS has faster performance, but performance often relies on the skill of the developer working on the project.

Asynchronous Code: NodeJS only runs on a single thread, which makes it hard because most servers use multithreaded processing so that requests run in parallel.

Dependencies: NodeJS requires fewer dependencies, which increases its efficiency.

Agility: Of the two, NodeJS is smaller and more agile than PHP because of Google’s input.

Compiled vs. Interpreted Code: NodeJS uses compiled code, while PHP uses interpreted code. Compiled code is faster and can be completed using computers’ native languages. Interpreted code requires a translation to speak in the computer’s language via an interpreter, which is why it can be slower.

Backend Development: Because PHP only uses backend programming, it is more limited than NodeJS in that respect.

Usability: While NodeJS is effective, it often takes longer than PHP programming.

Applications: PHP is generally limited to web-based projects, which it does well. It can be used for eCommerce and personal and business blogs. NodeJS can be applied more widely to applications like streaming services, social media, and messenger apps.

Who Uses These Programs

It may help you to understand the companies that use these brands. Tumblr, Yahoo, Wikipedia, and MailChimp are some examples of companies that have used PHP in their web development. NodeJS has also been used by notable companies like Asana, Netflix, Twitter, Paypal, and Slack. Both have a prominent role across the internet and in people’s lives, despite their differences.

Split Reef is a Game Changer in US’ SEO Space

Let’s face it, digital marketing and advertising are becoming more and more relevant each year. There are plenty of companies that shift from traditional to digital marketing. Speaking of which, SEO has been popular thanks to this digital uprising. Everyone is fighting to be the top results on search engines such as Google! Being the number one means more visits which then translates to better conversion rates.

If you want to find better results for your business, then you should consider giving SEO a try! SEO Companies like Split Reef have been providing the best, most modern, and results-driven digital services in the country. Split Reef is a fully integrated digital agency offering services from innovative design to effective web or mobile development. We lead and execute client marketing efforts using Organic SEO, Google Ads, Word Marketing, and Conversion Rate Optimization.

Today, Clutch names us as one of the game changers in the US’ SEO space. For those that don’t know, Clutch is an established platform in the heart of Washington, DC, committed to helping small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses identify and connect with the service providers they need to achieve their goals.

Their platform has tremendously helped us and other companies in finding new clients from all over the world. To be one of the game-changers on Clutch is a huge honor for us and is a true testament to the kind of service we provide — high quality and game-changing.

We would also like to share some of the best reviews we have on their platform. Here are some of them:

“If it wasn’t for Split Reef, I really have no clue where our company would be, especially during this last year. It was by chance that I found them and was able to consult them and then make the decision to move our store online and expand into other social media platforms. I’m so grateful for them and for being able to make the decision. Our small business is thriving and I’m so happy with it.” CEO of Live Shopping Company. 

“Their results. Numerous law firms have had great success using Split Reef’s services. I keep an eye on various rankings and law firms using Split Reef are generally at or near the top. Split Reef is great, and I am happy that they are handling my advertising.” Owner of Coffman Legal, LLC, Matthew Coffman.

Discuss your project with! Get in touch with our team today, we would love to talk about how we can help you.

Steps to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Get More Leads for Business

For people in business, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful platforms out there. Thus, to do well in business, it helps to understand how to generate more leads through social media, particularly your LinkedIn profile. Drive the business forward with our Online Marketing Services.

How LinkedIn Leads Make a Difference

Many people don’t realize how beneficial LinkedIn can be, but those who have realized all the features and opportunities that LinkedIn provides understand how life-changing a strong LinkedIn profile can be.

Networking Made Quick

Networking is valuable in any profession. Getting to know other people in the area you work in can give you a leg up, and it can help you create powerful business partnerships that can help all parties involved. Businesses are never isolated, which means that reaching out can give you advantages that you wouldn’t normally have. LinkedIn makes networking easy, and it saves you a lot of time.


If you are looking to expand your business, recruiting is a necessary tool. You want the best people working for your company to help you grow it efficiently, and LinkedIn can help you find those people.

A Measure of Importance

When you are active on LinkedIn, you can show that you are a valuable voice in your industry. LinkedIn will help people get to know you and what you stand for, and as those people get to know you, you become more respected, and your brand becomes more important to industry insiders.

Create a Credible Brand

When people are looking into a brand, they want to see a presence for that brand and the people leading that brand. Having a LinkedIn profile that has been optimized can help you appear more credible and better establish your online identity.

Find New Business Opportunities

With all the other perks that you get from LinkedIn, it’s natural that LinkedIn can present new opportunities that you wouldn’t otherwise have.

Using LinkedIn to Your Advantage

There are many tools that you can use to ensure that you are seen on LinkedIn and that you establish your brand as professional and important. These steps will take some time, energy, and upkeep, but when you can invest some resources into this process, you will see excellent results. Why Are Google And Yelp Reviews Important for A Business?

Your Photo Matters

Make sure you choose a good photo for your profile. People will judge this picture, so you want your picture to look inviting, professional, and trustworthy.

Contact Information is a Must

Be sure to include contact information in its entirety. You don’t want to leave valuable information out. Having multiple forms of connection will help more people reach you. By increasing your accessibility, you better your brand.


You’ll want to link to your profile when you can. For example, you’ll want to add your LinkedIn link to your website. You can also link to your page using guest posts. Backlinks help you establish yourself, and they boost your visibility.

Add Keywords

Adding keywords relevant to what you do is a great way to get noticed on LinkedIn. You don’t want to use keywords that are not relevant or stuff them into your content just for the sake of using them, but adding keywords to your content is a must if you want your page to be optimized.

Hashtags are Your Friend

Using hashtags is another tool that you can use in some of your LinkedIn content. This helps you direct your content to people who want to see it.

Use Videos

Videos are a great way to connect with more people. Videos are easy to engage with, and people often prefer this method. Videos take time and effort to assemble, but they show that you are a real person, and it’s easier to create a connection with this type of content.


Participating in groups and adding quality posts on your area of expertise can help you boost yourself and show your skill and knowledge in your field. You want to keep up with participation. This technique isn’t something you can just do once. You want to continue to make your presence known.

Make Quality Posts

Quality posts will set you apart. Don’t post just for the sake of posting. Make sure that you are giving good information and presenting that information in a way that reflects your business goals and brand identity.

Show Your Character

On your LinkedIn page, you want to show who you are and what your brand represents. No one wants to feel like they are looking at a generic page, so you need to infuse some of your brand’s personality and what makes it unique.

The Value of Social Media Marketing Services

Social media marketing services can boost your brand. Social media is an unavoidable and useful force that business people must embrace to maximize their businesses and do the best work they can. Using social media, like LinkedIn, can enhance people’s outcomes and give them chances to build their brands.

How to Use Google My Business to Generate Leads

Creating a profound online presence for your brand is necessary in a world in which people use the internet as an invaluable tool to help them make decisions about how to spend their money. Google My Business is one of the prominent tools that companies use to get more leads and improve the quality of their online presence. Google My Business can help you reach your desired audience, who will actually want to engage with whatever you have to offer.

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business is a beneficial tool for people looking to increase their visibility on Google. Through Google, you have a listing for your business, which is called a Business Profile, which goes through a process similar to adding a location to Google Maps. However, this profile does not allow you to claim ownership of the business and does not allow you to manage your business through that account; that’s where Google My Business comes in. A Google My Business account allows you to claim your business and make adjustments to the profile.

How Google My Business is Useful

There are many reasons why a Google My Business account is beneficial to your brand. Ultimately, Google My Business helps you direct more suitable customers to your website and helps you boost your credibility.

Claim Your Business

Google My Business allows you to claim your Google Business profile. Otherwise, you have little autonomy over your business listing, and your SEO will be less impactful on your sales.

Make Changes to Your Business Information

Google My Business allows you to change your business information to be the most accurate. Anyone can add a business listing, and if that listing is not connected to your Google My Business account, it may not reflect accurate information about your business.

Use My Business for Marketing

When you have a Google My Business account that you can actually control, you can market better and reach the right people. Your account can also be used to improve your organic search results.

Get More Leads

When you use your Google My Business account wisely, you get more leads, which can lead to you having a better customer base.

Become More Credible

No one trusts a business that has a listing that seems inaccurate or incomplete. Thus, the control over your business profile that Google My Business gives allows you to enter accurate information that your potential customers will trust.

How to Optimize Your Google My Business Page

There is a good deal of strategy that goes into creating your My Business page. While many elements are straightforward, there is a level of skill that must be used to create an optimal account. With a 73% share in the search engine market, Google is a powerful force, so one of the best tools you have is Google My Business, which can help you stand out on the popular platform.

Claim Your Business Listing

63% of people check Google reviews before visiting a business. Thus, there’s no denying Google’s role in whether your business will do well or will fail. With Google My Business, the first thing you’ll want to do is claim your business listing. You must create a Google My Business account to start this process.

Enter All The Information Google Wants

Enter all the information that Google prompts you to add. You must be comprehensive with this information. Leaving a profile incomplete won’t do much to help you. Some inputs like your business name or category will be easy, but other questions may force you to think more deeply about what your brand represents and what you want the focus of our brand to be. Double-check that all your information is correct.

Use Attributes

You can add attributes to your Google My Business profile. You choose these attributes based on the category you determined for your business. These attributes help you clarify what your business offers. For example, a brick-and-mortar store can label itself “kid-friendly” or  has “free wi-fi.” These distinctions are appreciated by customers who are looking for certain attributes in a business.

Use Quality Pictures

People don’t just want to hear about your business. They want to see it. You are two times more likely to seem reputable to potential clients if you have quality pictures. Furthermore, you’ll get around 35% more clicks on your listing when you add photos. Pictures add another level of credibility, and they make your business seem real. When people on social media follow you and don’t have a profile picture, you’re more skeptical, and you may assume they’re not a real person. The same is true of your business profile.

You’ll also want to post pictures regularly, keeping your profile up to date. Don’t go overboard with posting, but keep engagement up by staying current with your pictures.

Reviews are Powerful

You want to try to get positive reviews on your profile. This is another way to seem more credible and look like a reliable business. Reviews allow customers to feel more assured about their purchases. When you have happy customers, try to get them to leave a nice review on your page.

Answer Questions and Give Feedback

If questions arise, give feedback to your customers and answer them politely. Create a connection with customers that leave reviews. You can even respond politely to negative reviews and show that you value the feedback of all customers.

Create Current Posts

You can post about new developments with your company. If you have special offerings or new products, a post is a great way to share with your customers. Be sure to add a call to action to your posts so that people feel encouraged to participate in whatever you are offering.

Need Help?

Our local SEO company in Columbus, Ohio, can help you optimize your Google My Business page. We have the skills and experience to make you stand out, and we will communicate with you to understand the needs of your business and the energy of your brand. We want to customize your page to represent what you can offer your customers. Our work can help you get more customers and better establish your brand on the internet.

How to optimize speed of WordPress Website?

Speed Puts You Ahead

The rate at which your website loads impacts how much engagement you get. When you have a faster website, more people will use that website, and search engines will rank sites that load faster higher. As a result, the speed of your WordPress website is something you must pay attention to. There are many website speed optimization services and tips that you can use to enhance your website with very little stress.

Use Google PageSpeed

When making a website, many people mistakenly assume that their website is fast based on their personal experience of using that website; however, your website will often operate for you more quickly than it will for other people who visit your site. Thus, it helps to have a resource that can point you in the right direction about the speed of your WordPress website. Google PageSpeed can give you vital information about how well your page is loading. You want to aim for a score of at least 90, and if your score is less than 50, your website is in significant trouble. There are also several other WordPress speed tests available.

How to optimize the speed of a WordPress website?

If your website is slow, don’t worry. It’s not that challenging to start WordPress speed optimization.

Old Plugins, Slow Speed

Make sure that you update your plugins. When you have old plugins, they often run slowly, and then they slow down the speed of your entire website. Make sure that all your plugins are efficient because if they aren’t, they will slow your website down.

Use Video Hosting Services

Use websites like DailyMotion, Vimeo, and YouTube when you want to put videos on your website. It may be tempting to upload video or audio files through WordPress, but doing that can severely slow down your speed, and it will be costly to you because you will have to pay for bandwidth. You can still embed your videos once uploading them to a video host, and you can save yourself a lot of hassle in the process.

Put Comments on Pages

Getting a lot of comments means that your website is getting a lot of engagement, which is usually a good thing, but these comments can slow your WordPress website down. Thus, you will want to “break comments into pages” if you are getting a lot of comments.

Find a WordPress Caching Plug

When multiple users use a WordPress website, the website can easily slow down because on WordPress, every time a user looks at the page, it has to be re-created. Caching can speed up your website because it shows the version it created to later users, which saves time and keeps your website running quickly.

Choose a Good Webhost

When you choose a shared hosting web host, this means that you share your server and the resources of that server with all the members of that server. Accordingly, if one of the websites on that server gets a lot of visitors, it could slow down other websites.

Optimize Images

Make sure that your images are optimized so that their file size is smaller without greatly reducing the quality of those images. You can optimize your pictures using photo editors. When you decrease the image size, it won’t take as long for the images to load.

Optimize Background Tasks

Often the things that slow your website down are the ones that you don’t see. WordPress regularly engages in several background tasks. For example, one task that can be burdensome is background plugins, so you’ll want to make sure such tasks take place during hours when your website isn’t that busy.

Update WordPress

If you don’t keep WordPress updated, your website is bound to fall behind. Make sure that you keep updating your WordPress because WordPress often adds changes to enhance user experiences and fix any bugs.

Speedy Website, Happy Viewers

When your website is speedy, people are more likely to browse it and spend more time seeing what you have to offer. No one wants to wait several minutes for a webpage to load. People live busy lives, and by having your website match that pace, you can give yourself an advantage.

How Does API Integration Work?

API integration is essential in allowing systems to communicate with one another. By integrating API and using certain tools, developers can amplify APIs and improve their functionality. By understanding the value of APIs and how to best use them, businesses can transform themselves and push themselves to new heights.

What are APIs?

An Application Programming Interface (API) allows multiple systems to share information. The API collects the user’s input, delivers it to the system, and then gives the user back a response. Fundamentally, it helps connect systems with the users.  Functions like messaging and eCommerce need API to function correctly. APIs are generally undetected by most users, but they are vital to ensuring systems work seamlessly.

Benfits of API Integration Services

There are many benefits associated with API integration services because the use of APIs can free a lot of time and energy so that developers and businesses can accomplish more. The API integration can help businesses implement their business models.

Easy Implementation

When making changes, it’s a lot easier to consistently and conveniently make those changes when you have an API. When you use an API, it takes work to embed sites or apps. An API allows more flexibility and streamlined connectivity.

Avoid Mistakes

When you use APIs, you are less likely to make mistakes because you have an automated process. When humans have to transfer information themselves, not only is it slower, but it is more likely to have mistakes.

Automated Processes

APIs allow more automated processes. With more automated processes, computers will do more work, leaving less of a burden on human labor. APIs act as a middleman, which spares time and energy for everyone involved.

Ready for Change

APIs make it easier to manage changes to business models. Businesses don’t always have the same needs, which means that they often have to adjust themselves; however, those changes can be overwhelming, but API integration allows more flexibility. For example, APIs can help with data migration.

Perfect for Growth

APIs allow businesses to scale up. When you integrate APIs, you already have a basis that you can use to connect applications and systems.

How to Do API Integration

The API integration can seem complicated for those who do not have much experience with it. Even so, understanding at least the fundamentals is highly useful for anyone who has a website. This process can be a costly one, but it is often worth it for businesses that have problems that APIs can solve.

Decide What You Want to Accomplish

The first thing you need to do is decide what you want to accomplish. If you don’t understand the systems you have and how you would like to improve them, you will be unable to start API integration. You need to be conscious of your business goals so that developers can help you determine how you can connect systems effectively.

Begin the Development Process

The development process requires the work of developers, who can take the goals you have created and start creating applications that reflect those goals.

Test Your Systems

You aren’t done once you have your API ready to go. You’ll need to test to make sure that you don’t have any bugs that could mess up your system. Once you have done your system tests, you are good to go.

APIs Can Serve You Well

API integration is a very feasible option for businesses, and it has many advantages that may appeal to businesses who want to promote more fluid interconnectivity. When a business deals with exchanging data at all, APIs are a necessity and promote professionality.

How to Implement a Responsive Web Design

What it Means to Have a Responsive Website

When you use responsive web design, you make sure that your web page will look appropriate no matter what device someone is using. The goal is to ensure that your website stands out whether someone is looking at it on their computer, tablet, or phone. When you don’t have a responsive web design, your website looks unprofessional. Moreover, an unresponsive website can be hard to read and use, which counteracts the purpose of a website. Website responsivity makes sure that your website automatically appears as it should on all devices so that potential clients can be readily engaged.

What are the Basic Things Required for Responsive Web Design?

You may be wondering what is required for responsive web design, and several key features set apart a responsive website from a website that makes people want to disengage with your brand. Read also: Difference Between Responsive & Progressive Web App

Watch the Whitespace

Whitespace has a significant impact on the design of your website, and across platforms, it can easily be thrown off balance. Be vigilant about your paddings and margins. You need to maintain your whitespace, especially for mobile viewing. Try to keep the ratio of whitespace the same on all devices.

Aim for At Least Three Layouts

There are so many devices out there that you cannot design custom layouts for each one, but having a small, medium, and large layout to estimate how different viewers will see your website.

Keep Things Uniform

Users should have the same experience no matter what platform they are using. Make sure that all forms, information, and menus are consistent throughout your website.

Create an Intuitive Experience

If no one can find anything on your website, the effort you put into your pages and content will be to no avail. You want your website navigation to be user-friendly, so whoever comes onto your website can readily find what they’re looking for. If they can’t find what they are looking for quickly, people tend to give up.

Treat All Platforms Equally

You want to make sure that no matter what your users use for browsing, the content you offer is compatible with their devices. Don’t prioritize web browsing or mobile browsing. People should be able to use all platforms equally. If your design can’t adapt to various platforms, it isn’t as effective as it needs to be.

Optimize Images

When you add images to your content, you need to make sure that the load time of images on your website isn’t too cumbersome. It reflects poorly on your brand when it takes forever for images to appear. No one wants to wait that long! People will end up leaving before they’ve even looked at your site if you don’t optimize images.

Imagine You’re Going on the Site for the First Time

Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who is seeing your site for the first time, and think about how they would experience your web design. You can also seek feedback from others to collect data about areas in which you can improve your design. If you’re asking yourself, “What is the easiest way to have a responsive web design,” the answer is remembering your audience and thinking about how you would feel about navigating your website if you were them.

How Do I Convert an Existing Website to Be Responsive?

Using the tips above, you can start to transform an existing website. Using your current design as a basis, you’ll want to make tweaks that focus on responsivity. Look at your current website on various browsers and write down what you like and what you do not like. Think about your current audience, and using analytical tools, you can determine how your users tend to engage with your website. With that information, you can customize your website to meet demand.

How to Make a Website Responsive Using CSS and Bootstrap

You can use CSS alone to make a website responsive; however, just CSS may become labor-intensive and require more work than you are willing to put in. Using CSS alone is burdensome, which is why you should learn how to make a responsive website using bootstrap. Bootstrap is a CSS framework that is highly effective at helping people create responsive websites.

Responsive Means Better Rankings

Not only does having a responsive website make your website better for potential customers, but it also makes your website rank more highly on Google and other platforms because these platforms prefer websites that users can readily use.

How to Improve Local SEO for Your Business

Did you know that 46% of the searches on Google are local searches? This means that nearly half of Google searches are looking for products, services, or other information about a specific area.

When you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. If you were looking to hire a lawyer or a plumber in your area, there’s a good chance you would head to Google and look for services “near me.”

As a business with a local target audience, you can use this to your advantage. By implementing local SEO strategies, you can help increase traffic, boost sales, and build relationships with repeat customers.

Are you wondering how to improve your local SEO? Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

What Are the Benefits of Local SEO?

Most small businesses rely on local customers in order to thrive and grow. However, when you start a website for your company, you are ultimately competing with the rest of the internet for attention and traffic. When you focus your SEO on local markets, it makes you a big fish in a small pond rather than vice versa.

There are a lot of compelling benefits when you employ local SEO for small businesses, including:

  • Improving online visibility
  • Helping to build a local community
  • Obtaining more relevant traffic
  • Gaining local repeat customers
  • Building authority and trust
  • Increasing sales
  • Reducing ad costs

When you improve your local SEO, it helps to build your brand and helps you gain new loyal customers in your local market.

What Types of Business Need Local SEO?

Now that we’ve looked at the benefits of having a local SEO strategy, you might be wondering whether this tactic is really necessary for your business. In short, any business that has a local target audience can gain from local SEO.

Some examples of businesses for whom local SEO can be beneficial include:

Utilizing local SEO strategies can help you connect with your target audience. Any business that has a local customer base can benefit from implementing these tactics.

How to Improve Your Local SEO

Improving your local SEO results from implementing a number of different SEO strategies. Let’s dive into the specific tactics you can use to boost your position in local search results.

Optimize for Google My Business

Setting up and optimizing your Google My Business page is the first step to local SEO optimization. Not only will you want to create and verify your page, but you’ll also want to encourage customer engagement in the form of reviews. Responding to reviews authentically can also help boost your local SEO.

Optimize Online Directories

Getting your business listed on online directories can help drive traffic to your site. To help boost your local SEO, you’ll want to make sure that there aren’t any discrepancies in the information listed on these directories.

Ensure Consistency in Your Contact Info

Both search engines and people can find you easier when your contact information is correct and consistent. Make sure that your name, address, and phone number are included as crawlable HTML text.

Create Local Content

Having a blog is now a standard SEO tactic that garners real results. When you are appealing to a local audience, creating location-specific content can help you climb in local search results.

Have a Mobile-Friendly Website

61% of Google searches are performed on mobile phones these days. This means that having a mobile-friendly website is essential for any business. This is particularly true for local businesses, as your customers might be searching for your info when they’re already out of the house.

These are some of the simplest and most accessible ways to boost your local SEO. Other considerations include getting authoritative inbound links and improving your internal linking structure.

Is It Time for You to Improve Your Local SEO?

Are you searching for the best SEO services in Jacksonville, FL? If so, you’ve come to the right place. At Split Reef, our team of experts will help your site rank higher in relevant local search results. This means that when potential customers are searching for a solution to a problem you can solve, they will find you rather than your competitors.

If it’s time for you to increase your visibility to your local market and boost your sales, get a free quote from us today.

Split Reef Partners with Law Firm, Records 4th 5 Star Review for Incredible Web Development & SEO Services

If you are looking for a modern and result-driven digital organization, then you are in the right place! The Split Reef team is one of the premier digital marketing and development companies in Ohio. We are dedicated to strategically partnering with businesses to ascertain new heights in the digital world.

As a matter of fact, our determination and dedication in pushing the boundaries of our services have managed to secure our 4th Clutch review. We recently teamed up with a law firm to help build a website for their business. Of course, using a website to establish your online presence is a great idea to digitize your business, but we also supplemented this effort with our high-quality law firm SEO service.

We started the project by meeting up and discussing the client’s goals and visions for their site. After that, we immediately developed the solution and proceeded to conduct keyword research in order to help them rank organically. Our team still delivers SEO work for the client and produces monthly reports.

5 Star Review for Incredible Web Development & SEO Services

The site and the whole project are relatively new so the impact and results of our services are still too early to determine. According to the client, as early as today, they were able to see results from their rankings ever since partnering with us.

The Owner of the law firm, Matthew Coffman has this to say about our team:

Their results. Numerous law firms have had great success using Split Reef’s services. I keep an eye on various rankings and law firms using Split Reef are generally at or near the top. Split Reef is great, and I am happy that they are handling my advertising. 

It always warms our hearts to hear encouraging and positive feedback from our clients. Our team is honored to work with you and we are very happy that the collaboration was a success. We are looking forward to a continued fruitful partnership in the future.

For more information about us, you can check us out at the Top Design Firms’ website. We are one of the top SEO companies on their platform and it would mean the world to us if you can go out and check our profile on their site today

Do you have an idea in mind? Let’s turn that into reality today! Call our team today and let’s discuss your project and how we can help you achieve it.

Infographic: Top Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Through 2021

With the increase of internet access and remote work, it is crucial to know the latest digital marketing trends. Staying on top of trends will provide insight into understanding your audience. Digital marketing is constantly evolving, having a strong consistent strategy will increase the value and relevancy of your business.

Take a look at the latest digital marketing trends in the following Infographic:

Infographic Top Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Through 2021

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AI-Driven Content Creation

Creating content in conjunction with Google’s algorithm is important when it comes to search engine ranking. AI can help deliver quality content that attracts and engages consumers.

Embrace Social Media

Developing an online presence through social platforms increases brand awareness and generates new leads. Social media analytics gives key insights on how to increase visibility and attract visitors to your website.

Increase voice and visual search

More searches are being done through voice-activated tools such as Alexa and visual searches through Google Lens. Redesigning websites to support these methods will improve SEO.

Email Marketing

A cost-effective strategy to connect directly with target markets, to increase engagement and conversion rates. With automation tools, content can be personalized to strengthen customer experiences and brand loyalty.


Dialogue powered by AI to help automate customer communications. Context is understood through data capturing and analysis to gain insight on how to make user-focused decisions.

No-Click Searches

Zero click searches have been dominating the market due to end results appearing on the search engine results page (SERP). Creating content-based on keywords displayed in the SERP is key to optimizing SEO strategy.

Local SEO

Since Google’s shift to mobile-first indexing, Local SEO is more important than ever. A majority of search engines are being used to find local information due to the rise of mobile searches. Optimizing your website for location-related searches will help improve your visibility to local users.